
Who We Are

Geek Haus is a pay-for-results marketing agency helping law firms and solo attorneys get qualified potential clients on repeat, guaranteed.

Founded by 7-Figure Law Firm Marketer, Leonard Scheiner, who has crafted and deployed legal marketing campaigns for firms across practice areas targeting consumer and business clients, resulting in six-figure months and well into 7-figure annual revenues.

Our Evolution

Welcome to the solution for generating more potential clients in your firm, and achieving freedom in your practice. Eliminate those heavy thoughts of doubt and stubborn roadblocks of all shapes and sizes!

After finding success in strategy consulting and creative direction, Leonard mapped out his past successful sales, marketing, and branding activities to realize the fundamentals and systems which had been at play. Pairing that with automation has allowed for his methods and systems to scale incrementally for law firms.

Our Founder

Leonard has worked with numerous Fortune 500 companies, boutique professional firms, and industry experts for more than a decade to develop memorable brands, creating valuable online authority, and scaling new business to predictably grow the top and bottom line for his clients.

Clients have achieved 300% increase in revenue, while others have earned tens of millions of dollars worth of new business driven by Leonard’s frameworks and tactics. Often, Leonard has been at the creative and strategic epicenter of dramatic revenue growth and business transformation. 

Our Team

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Sophie Moore

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Dante Fraser

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Lydia Weeks

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Huxley Schroeder

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